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Getting Started Flasking Orchids
Getting ready to flask an orchid seed pod for the first time? This blog post will give you some invaluable advice and a list of materials, along with a great recipe for orchid germination agar.
Sep 06, 2021 by Tectract
Botany & Horticulture Articles
Guide to the Git Underground Tech Articles · Sep 06, 2021 by Tectract
Normal usages cases for a collaborative Github team, from the perspective of developers working on feature branches and from that of project managers who are gatekeeping, testing, and merging stuff that will go live on a production server. We also examine some of the common pitfalls and traps you can get stuck in from not using Git properly, and what to do to get out of them gracefully.
Top Ten Best Chess Books - Learn and Become a Master Gaming Articles · Dec 13, 2019 by Tectract
Whether you are just starting out learning to play, or an old master brushing up for the next grandmaster competition, these wonderful chess books will inspire you and tell the amazing history of chess. See the game through the eyes of the greatest grandmasters of all time. Learn to think like a chess magician and amaze your friends with stunning sacrifice combinations and forced mating sequences! Come along and enjoy this ride through a uniquely human experience, and one day you could be the next World Champion!
Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs - The People's Voice Science & Medicine Articles · Oct 16, 2023 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The Peoples' Voice

An official new study out of Japan has concluded that all Covid variants were engineered in biolabs and intentionally released into the public.

Battling the Human Trafficking Fight - Part 1 Science & Medicine Articles · May 12, 2020 by Special Guest Author - Tim Easton, Anti-Terrorism Expert

(“Evil People Will Push The Limits of Evil Deeds to Feed their Sick Addiction and Greed”)

Special thanks to GUEST AUTHOR Tim Easton, Owner of Castle Defense 360 IED Response & Active Shooter Instructor, Tactics Trainer, Physical Security & Anti-Terrorism Expert

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Latest News Go to All News
Biden Approves Arms for Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion

Joe Biden has lifted restrictions on arming the Azov Battalion, a Neo-Nazi Ukrainian military formation founded by a politician who believes it is the Ukrainian nation's mission to "lead the white races of the world in a final crusade ... against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]"."This is a new page in our unit's history," Azov bragged in [...]

Jun 11, 2024 by Jack Montgomery - The National Pulse
Politics News
MIT's Fusion Breakthrough: Unlocking Star Power With Superconducting Magnets Science & Medicine News · May 30, 2024 by SciTechDaily

Detailed study of high-temperature superconducting magnets built by MIT and Commonwealth Fusion Systems confirms they meet requirements for an economic, compact fusion power plant. In the predawn hours of September 5, 2021, engineers achieved a major milestone in the labs of MIT's Plasma Science

Solid-State Qubits: Artificial Atoms Unlock Quantum Computing Breakthrough Science & Medicine News · May 30, 2024 by SciTechDaily

JILA breakthrough in integrating artificial atoms with photonic circuits advances quantum computing efficiency and scalability. In quantum information science, many particles can act as "bits," from individual atoms to photons. At JILA, researchers utilize these bits as "qubits," storing and proc

US reimposes sanctions on Venezuela as hope for democracy crumbles World News · May 30, 2024 by the Guardian

Relief had been granted after president Nicolás Maduro promised to hold free and fair elections this year

MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate - Unfit for Purpose Science & Medicine News · May 27, 2024 by Hal Turner Radio Show

The main stream media (MSM) in Europe and the US is deathly silent as a court determines the PCR test legally useless to test for Covid. The...

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Latest Blogs Go to All Blogs
The Case Against Bitcoin: Once a Radical Internet Currency, Now Just Collateral for Banks and a Useless Veblen Good

Built by heretics, hermits, dreamers and rebels -- but still "rat poison squared"?

May 30, 2024 by Tom Rodgers Substack
Finance Blogs
With Moss in the Mille Miglia: 1955 report

On May 1st motor-racing history was made, for Stirling Moss won the 1,000-mile Mile Miglia, the first time in twenty-two years that this has been achieved by a British driver, and I...

May 30, 2024 by Motor Sport Magazine
Sports Blogs
A woman spent 14 years photographing our planet's oldest trees, and here are the results

Beth Moon, a photographer based in San Francisco, has been searching for the world's oldest trees for the past 14 years. She has traveled all around the globe to capture the most magnificent trees that grow in remote locations and look as old as the world itself.

May 30, 2024 by Chaosmos News
Nature Blogs
INNengine "one-stroke" waves away conventional engine design

With a slogan like "The Future is Ecclectic," we'd expect some interesting things from INNengine, a startup based in Spain. The company is showcasing a "one-stroke" engine that works as an opposed piston with a wavy twist.

May 30, 2024 by New Atlas
Tech Blogs
An ancient language with nearly a million undeciphered texts just got a translator that does the job in seconds: A.I.

Nearly a million texts of Akkadian were untranslated before an A.I. was developed that can do it in seconds.

May 30, 2024 by Fortune
Science & Medicine Blogs
Video: Hypersonic rotating detonation engine in sustained test burn

A revolutionary alternative to conventional rockets that uses controlled explosions has completed its first long-duration engine test as part of Venus Aerospace's partnership with DARPA to develop a Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine (RDRE).

May 30, 2024 by New Atlas
Tech Blogs
Researchers demonstrate that quantum entanglement and topology are inextricably linked

For the first time, researchers have demonstrated the remarkable ability to perturb pairs of spatially separated yet interconnected quantum entangled

May 30, 2024 by Mohammed Qusir Rather - Charming Science
Science & Medicine Blogs
Possibly habitable Trappist-1 exoplanet caught destroying its own atmosphere

Trappist-1e may be destroying its own atmosphere as it races around its red dwarf star host, showing there are many ways for planets to lose habitability. The findings could refine our search for life in the wider cosmos.

May 30, 2024 by Robert Lea - Space.com
Science & Medicine Blogs

All original content © Tectractys, LLC 2019, Unauthorized Use Prohibited (non-transferrable, under private licence and ownership)

Go to All Articles
Getting Started Flasking Orchids
Getting ready to flask an orchid seed pod for the first time? This blog post will give you some invaluable advice and a list of materials, along with a great recipe for orchid germination agar.
Sep 06, 2021 by Tectract
Botany & Horticulture Articles
Guide to the Git Underground
Normal usages cases for a collaborative Github team, from the perspective of developers working on feature branches and from that of project managers who are gatekeeping, testing, and merging stuff that will go live on a production server. We also examine some of the common pitfalls and traps you can get stuck in from not using Git properly, and what to do to get out of them gracefully.
Sep 06, 2021 by Tectract
Tech Articles
Top Ten Best Chess Books - Learn and Become a Master
Whether you are just starting out learning to play, or an old master brushing up for the next grandmaster competition, these wonderful chess books will inspire you and tell the amazing history of chess. See the game through the eyes of the greatest grandmasters of all time. Learn to think like a chess magician and amaze your friends with stunning sacrifice combinations and forced mating sequences! Come along and enjoy this ride through a uniquely human experience, and one day you could be the next World Champion!
Dec 13, 2019 by Tectract
Gaming Articles
Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs - The People's Voice

An official new study out of Japan has concluded that all Covid variants were engineered in biolabs and intentionally released into the public.

Oct 16, 2023 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The Peoples' Voice
Science & Medicine Articles
Battling the Human Trafficking Fight - Part 1

(“Evil People Will Push The Limits of Evil Deeds to Feed their Sick Addiction and Greed”)

Special thanks to GUEST AUTHOR Tim Easton, Owner of Castle Defense 360 IED Response & Active Shooter Instructor, Tactics Trainer, Physical Security & Anti-Terrorism Expert

May 12, 2020 by Special Guest Author - Tim Easton, Anti-Terrorism Expert
Science & Medicine Articles

Tech · News · Crypto
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Biden Approves Arms for Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion

Joe Biden has lifted restrictions on arming the Azov Battalion, a Neo-Nazi Ukrainian military formation founded by a politician who believes it is the Ukrainian nation's mission to "lead the white races of the world in a final crusade ... against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]"."This is a new page in our unit's history," Azov bragged in [...]

Jun 11, 2024 by Jack Montgomery - The National Pulse
Politics News
MIT's Fusion Breakthrough: Unlocking Star Power With Superconducting Magnets

Detailed study of high-temperature superconducting magnets built by MIT and Commonwealth Fusion Systems confirms they meet requirements for an economic, compact fusion power plant. In the predawn hours of September 5, 2021, engineers achieved a major milestone in the labs of MIT's Plasma Science

May 30, 2024 by SciTechDaily
Science & Medicine News
Solid-State Qubits: Artificial Atoms Unlock Quantum Computing Breakthrough

JILA breakthrough in integrating artificial atoms with photonic circuits advances quantum computing efficiency and scalability. In quantum information science, many particles can act as "bits," from individual atoms to photons. At JILA, researchers utilize these bits as "qubits," storing and proc

May 30, 2024 by SciTechDaily
Science & Medicine News
US reimposes sanctions on Venezuela as hope for democracy crumbles

Relief had been granted after president Nicolás Maduro promised to hold free and fair elections this year

May 30, 2024 by the Guardian
World News
MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate - Unfit for Purpose

The main stream media (MSM) in Europe and the US is deathly silent as a court determines the PCR test legally useless to test for Covid. The...

May 27, 2024 by Hal Turner Radio Show
Science & Medicine News

Site Blog
Go to All Blogs
The Case Against Bitcoin: Once a Radical Internet Currency, Now Just Collateral for Banks and a Useless Veblen Good

Built by heretics, hermits, dreamers and rebels -- but still "rat poison squared"?

May 30, 2024 by Tom Rodgers Substack
Finance Blogs
With Moss in the Mille Miglia: 1955 report

On May 1st motor-racing history was made, for Stirling Moss won the 1,000-mile Mile Miglia, the first time in twenty-two years that this has been achieved by a British driver, and I...

May 30, 2024 by Motor Sport Magazine
Sports Blogs
A woman spent 14 years photographing our planet's oldest trees, and here are the results

Beth Moon, a photographer based in San Francisco, has been searching for the world's oldest trees for the past 14 years. She has traveled all around the globe to capture the most magnificent trees that grow in remote locations and look as old as the world itself.

May 30, 2024 by Chaosmos News
Nature Blogs
INNengine "one-stroke" waves away conventional engine design

With a slogan like "The Future is Ecclectic," we'd expect some interesting things from INNengine, a startup based in Spain. The company is showcasing a "one-stroke" engine that works as an opposed piston with a wavy twist.

May 30, 2024 by New Atlas
Tech Blogs
An ancient language with nearly a million undeciphered texts just got a translator that does the job in seconds: A.I.

Nearly a million texts of Akkadian were untranslated before an A.I. was developed that can do it in seconds.

May 30, 2024 by Fortune
Science & Medicine Blogs
Video: Hypersonic rotating detonation engine in sustained test burn

A revolutionary alternative to conventional rockets that uses controlled explosions has completed its first long-duration engine test as part of Venus Aerospace's partnership with DARPA to develop a Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine (RDRE).

May 30, 2024 by New Atlas
Tech Blogs
Researchers demonstrate that quantum entanglement and topology are inextricably linked

For the first time, researchers have demonstrated the remarkable ability to perturb pairs of spatially separated yet interconnected quantum entangled

May 30, 2024 by Mohammed Qusir Rather - Charming Science
Science & Medicine Blogs
Possibly habitable Trappist-1 exoplanet caught destroying its own atmosphere

Trappist-1e may be destroying its own atmosphere as it races around its red dwarf star host, showing there are many ways for planets to lose habitability. The findings could refine our search for life in the wider cosmos.

May 30, 2024 by Robert Lea - Space.com
Science & Medicine Blogs

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